100 cavell street, development, whitechapel, east london

Welcome to our public proposal about Lateral's proposals for 100-136 Cavell Street, Whitechapel.

Lateral are bringing forward a new Science & Innovation building comprising much needed research and laboratory space to serve the Whitechapel Life Science / MedCity Cluster.

Members of the project team are available to answer your questions about the project and to discuss the proposals. Your feedback will help to shape the proposals and also provide an opportunity for you to tell us about the local area.

Lateral are dedicated developers and operators of Science and Innovation space who's proprietary research is critical to its deep understanding of the UK Life Sciences market.

Lateral are bringing forward proposals to redevelop 100-136 Cavell Street to create anew Science & Innovation building containing much needed research and laboratory space to serve and grow the Whitechapel Life Science / Med City Cluster.

What is Life Science?

Life Science is an overarching term used to describe the study of living organisms and processes, and encompasses a wide range of scientific research from discovering new life processes, to drug development and pioneering new medical treatments.

Why does it matter?​

The human Life Science sector is among the most strategically important to the UK economy, and critical to the country's health and resilience. In recent decades, advances in the LifeSciences have fundamentally improved the length and quality of life in the UK and globally.

Why Whitechapel?

Whitechapel has been identified as an important research and LifeScience cluster, known as 'Med City', and planning policy seeks to support and grow this nationally significant cluster.

Whitechapel is also incredibly well-connected due to the range of services operating from Whitechapel Station, including Crossrail, and is now the civic heart of Tower Hamlets with the recently completed Town Hall development.


100-136 Cavell Street

The site is located immediately to the east of The Royal London Hospital, and forms part of the urban block currently being redeveloped known as the 'SilkDistrict'.

The site is currently occupied by a two storey former industrial building which is coming towards the end of its functional life and does not represent an efficient use of land. Whitechapel is home to a vibrant and diverse community, and is also now the civic heart of Tower Hamlets with the recently completed town hall development.

Planning context

The site has been identified in the Tower Hamlets Local Plan as part of a 'LocalEmployment Area', and also falls with inthe City Fringe Opportunity Area.

Whitechapel has also been identified as an important research and Life Science cluster – known as 'Med City' building on the success of the area.

Life Science /
Med City Cluster

The origins of The Royal London Hospital date back to 1870 and the hospital has now been serving the local community for over 150 years. Today, The Royal London is a leading and internationally renowned teaching hospital, with a long history of carrying out worldclass research that drives improvements in treatment and health.

Over the years many associated medical and Life Science institutions have movedto the area, forming what is now known as the "Med City' cluster, including: 

  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Barts Life Sciences
  • National Institute for Health
  • Blizzard Institute Genome Centre

Lateral are working with many of these existing occupiers and institutions indeveloping the proposals for Cavell Street.

Leading the change

Ground breaking research is already being carried out in Whitechapel that is directly contributing to the well-being of local people and beyond, but more work still needs to be done to tackle the world's problems and improve human life across the planet.


100 Cavell Street Proposal Image

Our vision is to deliver:

100 Cavell Street Proposal Image


Deliveries and servicing would be carried out on-site from an internal service area at the southern end of the building, with vehicles entering via anew access from Cavell Street and exiting onto Stepney Way.

Energy and Sustainability

Designed towards achieving Net Zero Carbon. Providing a significant amount of planting to deliver a bio-diversity net gain and an Urban Greening Factor (UGF) of 0.3. Using on-site renewable energy technologies, includingAir Source Heat Pumps and photovoltaic panels.

Design Quality

The proposals have been designed by AHMM –one of the UK's most highly regarded architectural practices – who also designed the recently completed TowerHamlets Town Hall complex in Whitechapel.


Public Benefits

The proposals will make a much needed contribution towards the long-term success of the Whitechapel Life Science cluster, and will deliver a range of significant and important benefits, both directly and indirectly, including:

  • The provision of much needed lab space that will enable new medicines and medical treatments to be developed
  • Local employment opportunities during both the construction and operational phases
  • Affordable laboratory space
  • Knowledge Centre and café
  • New public route linking Cavell Street with the 'Silk District' development
  • Increased local spending by users of the development
  • A highly sustainable development that enhances local biodiversity

Local Community

Lateral are committed to ensuring the project directly benefits the local community and are seeking to develop training and local employment pathways for local people so they can access the employment opportunities that will be generated by the development.

Other benefits to the local community will include:


Following the exhibition, the project team will be working to incorporate your feedback and ideas into our final proposals ahead of submission to Tower Hamlets Council's later this Autumn.

100 cavell street, development, life science, east london, whitechapel


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