The scheme address is 100 to 136 Cavel Street and is located just off the Whitechapel Road very close to the Whitechapel TubeStation. The site starts at Raven Row and runs along Cavel Street down to Stepney Way:
The existing building was constructed for the fashion trade by S Schneider & Sons. It was used to manufacture cloth caps for military uniforms during World War one. Later the factory was used for manufacturing of coats and other fashion items.
The building has more recently been used for workspace and educational uses, which has seen significant alterations to the ground floor facades and the internal arrangements of the building in the 1980s.
The site is not located within aConservation Area, although the Ford Square Conservation Area is located to the immediate south (beyond Stepney Way), whilst the London Hospital ConservationArea is located to the west. The existing buildings are neither statutorily or locally listed, and there are not any listed building within close proximity of the site.
The Tower Hamlets Local Plan sets outthe following land-use requirements for Whitechapel South along with thespatial principles set out below:
An important part of the scheme is the ground floor which will become the heartbeat of the building and will create an outward looking space that contains a café, a major lobby area with a knowledge centre and lecture theatre along with incubator space designed for small start-up life sciences businesses.
The ground floor will be designed to create activity and theatre and a place where people can see the day-to-day activity of the building. 100 Cavell Street will be an open, accessible and visually exciting part of the Life Sciences cluster in Whitechapel where people can actually see science and innovation in action.
The scheme will also seek to improve the public realm by reducing the existing building line to widen the pavement and creating greater permeability to the surrounding neighbourhood. The public realm will be designed to increase connectivity to the wider life sciences cluster creating links to the Royal London, Queen Marys University and other proposed locations where the cluster is likely to grow.
The scheme will contain xxxxx sqm of commercial space that will be a mix of office and laboratory space. The laboratory space will be split between 70% / 30% wet and dry laboratory space to meet demand and requirements within the sector. The proposed building height is xxx storeys and this has been carefully considered to minimise any daylight and sunlight issues on the surrounding buildings and streets.
100 Cavell Street will seek to be an exemplar building in terms of sustainability and will incorporate a range of features designed to minimise the buildings carbon footprint. This will include natural ventilation and daylighting, greening and a major bifolia strategy to create urban greening, solar shading and PV’s and rainwater harvesting. The scheme has ambitious targets to achieve a BREAM xxxxx rating. The building will actively seek to promote health and wellbeing for workers and visitors with the inclusion of a number of design features to create a healthy building. The design will include terraces and balconies, maximising views for staff in the building, greening and design features to promote wellness including fitness, worker and visitor cycling and interior design solutions to promote mindfulness and healthy living.
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